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We design symbols reflected in the food we cook, the music we play, and the architecture that shelters us. Each example represents an act of expression and insight in an effort to deepen our coexistence with the natural environment. They are solutions meant to address its creator’s place and encapsulate its values with the ultimate goal of becoming the next widespread standard or tradition. Architecture’s best examples survive as artifacts that follow this line of thinking. They are only bound by the ideas that serve as the blueprints to improve the human condition. Since this is the only constraint, the aesthetic is purely a product of its time; the form becomes the skin for the building, but does not dictate the intent. This leaves the responsibility of the architect to maintain the integrity of architecture while also seeking to innovate the existing; to generate new ideals to explain the heritage of current architecture for future generations, to improve on through their own iteration. In return, another chapter is added onto the timeline of Architecture’s immortal heritage

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